What you know about being a Marketing Executive: A Marketing Executive is involved in a varied role that essentially includes implementation of marketing projects to support a brand. It’s a demanding role where you need to juggle many tasks throughout the day.
What you might not know: What a day in the life of an E2 Marketing Executive really looks like. Luckily, we’ve got you. If things like organizing events and preparing materials for kids to play and learn with makes up your ideal day at the office, then Uyen’s job may be your dream come true. Uyen is the Marketing Executive for E2, in charge of all the events and materials relating to branding & PR. We invite you to read on for a glimpse into her typical working day — we dare you not to get jealous!

8:30 a.m.: I wake up and check my phone to see if there are any urgent messages, calls or emails. One of the perks of working at E2 is the flexible working hours here; it’s hard to find any other place that you can wake up this late in the morning. After totally getting up, I get out of bed and take a morning shower. Then I head out to eat the best kind of breakfast in the world – the mom-made kind. There are some cats, and dogs as well, living with us at home. Before I go to work, I give them baths.
9:10 a.m.: I ride to E2 by motorbike.

- 9:30 a.m.: Arrive at E2. Say hi to my colleagues and find a good spot in the office to settle down. E2 has an open working space so any place can be my working space— even the pantry! The first thing to do is checking emails — yes, again, Slack (our company internal communication tool), and Asana – which is the online version of a task list. Then I prepare for a meeting with Marketing Team & The Other Guys.
- 10:00 a.m.: Recheck last week events to see how many participants there were and update to Team Meeting Minute, and list down some topics to discuss in the upcoming meeting.
- 10:30 am: Weekly Marketing Team Meeting with The Other Guys. Today we talk about marketing activities and events of last week, as well as discuss about how to improve the quality and increase the number of participants for next events. New project brainstorm – D73 grand opening. I’m in charge of taking notes in this meeting because I understand the most details for all the events.
- 11:30 a.m.: Doing some pending tasks from last week. Feeling hungry so I gather people to order food for lunch.
- Noon: Lunchtime with colleagues in pantry. Sharing funny animal photos that I came across on the internet.

- 1:00 p.m.: Planning for my tasks for the week. Updating tasks to discuss in next week’s meeting.
- 2:00 p.m.: Have a mini meeting with marketing team only. Discuss some branding topics in more details. Brainstorming for the upcoming Summer Camp using the “Note and Vote” technique. This technique is used in almost every meeting we have in E2. Basically, each person writes down ideas on post-it notes, one idea per note with a Sharpie or a pen; no discussion needed, in 2 minutes. After everyone is done, stick all the notes into categories and each one briefly explain their ideas to others. Then each person vote for the best ideas in his/her opinion and the whole team will go with the most voted ones.
- 3:00 p.m.: Working with designers to plan for POSM ( Point of Sales Materials) for Summer Camp. Checking with suppliers to research for printing costs.
- 4:00 p.m.: Preparing materials for this week’s event – Roadmap To College. Sending the Event agenda and all the details to our Telesales team to ask for support on attracting participants.
- 4:30 p.m: Feeling hungry again so I go downstairs to the convenient store next door for some afternoon snacks.
- 5:00 p.m: After satisfying my small yet always hungry stomach, I finally sit down quietly preparing for the presentation and making content to run ads for the event. After finishing, I send it to Ms. Trâm, my manager, to check and finalize, and then send to Ánh – our Digital Marketing Executive to run ads on our Facebook page.
- 5:30 p.m: Checking with our designer for draft designs for Summer Camp and sending them to manager for feedback. Getting back and forth with the designer for the perfect outcome.
- 6:00 p.m: Finishing up some action plans for our new Learning Center – D73 grand opening.
- 6:30 p.m.: My draft plans have been sent to the Manager. Only one task left for today before I get to go home, which is making quotation reports from all the suppliers for Summer Camp.

- 7:00 p.m: Wrap everything up and go home. What a long and productive day at work! On my way home, I dropped by some familiar spots that may have adopted cats I rescued lately to take care and play with them. Usually I’ll have them take the prescribed medicine from the vet and make sure they get along well with their new owners.
- 8:00 p.m: Arrive home. Have dinner with my mom and then I go take a shower. My cats are looking at me with their hungry and begging cute little eyes waiting for me to feed them because they know so well that it is their dinner-time.
- 9:00 p.m: Checking with my working group with the designer and my manager to see if there are any updates or feedback to follow.
- 10:00 p.m: Watching “Running Man” on my phone. I know it’s not good for my eyes, but still…
- 11:00 p.m: Playing with my cats. There are a lot of stray cats walking outside my house at this time of the day, and I don’t mind feeding them as well. Then it’s my leisure time to take care of myself after a long day.
- 12:00 p.m: Helping mom to prepare food for my dad to go to work early tomorrow.
- 1:00 a.m: Sleeping time. See you tomorrow!