Former Director of Recruitment and Training
Melinh attended Emory University and received her B.A. with High Honors in English Literature and a minor Educational Studies. After graduation she joined Teach for America as an Elementary School teacher. In 2012, she moved to Vietnam to teach at International University Ho Chi Minh City. She started at E2 as an English Teacher, she developed herself and moved really fast to lead the whole English and HR Team at the same time. Melinh left E2 in April 2017 to pursue her MBA at UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Share your background: Where did you grow up? Where did you go to university and what did you study?
I grew up in Washington, DC and went to college at Emory University in Atlanta, GA where I studied Literature, and Education.

What is your favorite and least favorite Vietnamese food?
Favorite: My answer will change every day, today it’s Cha Ca La Vong
Least Favorite: Same answer every day: Pha lau

What brought you to Vietnam / back to Vietnam?
My mom is Vietnamese, so I thought it was important to understand her culture and reconnect. After I did my first year of teaching in the US, I had a great opportunity to come to Vietnam to teach at Truong Dai Hoc Quoc Te. During my first year in Vietnam, a mutual friend introduced me to Don. I tricked him into offering me a job at E2… and the rest is history!

What made you decide to be a teacher?
I’m not good at anything else! Just kidding, I think education is the most important way to influence society for the better. Whatever problems are in the world weren’t created in one generation, and it won’t be only one generation who can solve them- so we need to make sure the next generation are caring, creative, and well prepared to tackle the problems they will inherit.

What was the biggest factor that made you choose E2?
Many reasons, but the underlying one is I trust Don and Tony’s leadership and share the same values and dreams as they do.

Can you describe E2’s working environment in 3 words?
Dynamic, Fun, Committed.

What is the most helpful thing you’ve learned at E2?
I can’t think of one specific thing that’s new, but being in a position where I get to observe other teachers a lot and seeing how much effort and care our team puts into class keeps me motivated to do the same 🙂 It’s easy to “slip” and get lazy in your teaching once you have experience; and having such awesome teachers around me keeps me on my toes!

What is your most memorable teaching moment at E2?
It’s not a particular moment, but my favorite thing to teach is personal essay. I love to see the students get creative, express themselves, and see the “other side” of their personalities.

What is your most memorable NON-teaching moment at E2? PG version, please.
2016 Company Off-site trip to Madagui- an awesome weekend and the highlights were:
- Winning the rafting race even though we started last and seeing what a sore loser Tony was
- Watching different team members act as dogs, superheros, and babies during our improvisation training!
- The whole company getting on stage for karaoke!

What are you most looking forward to or optimistic about when it comes to your own future at E2 or E2’s future in general?
Since I’ve been involved with recruiting, for me the most exciting thing is to see so many new hires that share our vision and mission and bring new energy and ideas into the company!

Bonus Question: If you had to be stuck on a desert island with 1 member of E2 staff (teaching or operations team) who would it be? Why?
Maybe Tony because he likes to build and DIY things so maybe he could make a ship. But, maybe not because he will eat all the rations.