Marketing Communications Executive
Thao just joined E2 at the end of September 2020 as a Marketing Communications Executive. She is still a newbie to E2 but gets along really fast and well with the whole team and everyone else. She is “a girl who always finds ways to do a sum in her head fast”, according to her own biography.

Share your background: Where did you grow up? Where did you go to university and what did you study?
I come from My Tho city, which is in the Southern Viet Nam. I graduated from University of Technology and majored in Civil Engineering (yass, kinda weird I know :D)

What is your favorite and least favorite Vietnamese food?
I love all kind of rice noodles dishes, “bun bo” is one of my all-time faves :)) especially my mom-cooked vegan one, never expect vegan dishes could be that good. Lucky me, I’m not a picky eater (just cuz Vietnamese food is too good :))))) I don’t think I have any least Vietnamese food fave.

What was the biggest factor that made you choose E2?
At first, I think that cool working environment is. But then I realize what made I choose E2 is just that E2 is E2 😀

Can you describe E2’s working environment in 3 words?
Nurturing, progressive, and welcoming

What is the most helpful thing you’ve learned at E2?
Every single moment in my very first few months at E2. You may know that I do not major in Marketing and kinda new to the education field. It’s really a challenge for me. I appreciate every sharing, advice from my team and E2 people that let me confidently develop my career path here ❤

What is your most memorable NON-teaching moment at E2? *PG version, please.
Gather for lunchies with tons of fun stories (and for games too :D)

What are you most looking forward to or optimistic about when it comes to your own future at E2 or E2’s future in general?
Everyone can bring innovation on the table so that E2 will constantly reach out further and non-stop

Bonus Question: If you had to be stuck on a desert island with 1 member of E2 staff (teaching or operations team) who would it be? Why?
Chị Dung Chu just pops up in my head and it couldn’t agree more. I believe she will definitely keep both of us survive with her experiences 😀