Former Senior Marketing Manager
Tram went to Economics University of HCMC, where she got a bachelor degree in Corporate Finance. Tram’s strong interest in Marketing made her decide to pursue her career in such fields, starting with a Marketing Certificate. Started with E2 in November 2016, Tram has used all of her technical skills and working experience to make herself an valuable addition to the whole team.

Share your background: Where did you grow up? Where did you go to university and what did you study?
I was born and live in Saigon. I went to Economics University of HCMC, studied Corporate Finance, and took a certificate about Marketing.

What is your favorite and least favorite Vietnamese food?
My favorite Vietnamese food is Cơm Tấm.
My least favorite Vietnamese food depends on my mood.

What was the biggest factor that made you choose E2?
Working environment and working style.

Can you describe E2’s working environment in 3 words?
straightforward, supportive and crazy.

What is the most helpful thing you’ve learned at E2?
Things don’t always happen as we expect. Understand the reasons and learn from it.

What is your most memorable NON-teaching moment at E2? PG version, please.
It’s a hard question. Everyone you meet at E2 will give you memorable moments. You will be surprised when finding out new things from them.

What are you most looking forward to or optimistic about when it comes to your own future at E2 or E2’s future in general?
E2 methodology will be applied to a wide range of students in Vietnam.
E2 always gives people chances to develop themselves. I believe that who can get it will both improve themselves and contribute in E2 development.

Bonus Question: If you had to be stuck on a desert island with 1 member of E2 staff (teaching or operations team) who would it be? Why?
I would choose someone who often pushes people to find solutions and has life skills. So that I can escape from this desert island. And I choose TONY.